• 関西日米交流フォーラムでは、職種・専門領域・大学の壁を取り外し、自由な意見交換をする場を提供しています。年4回(1月・4月・7月・10月)例会を開催しています。







Japan and the US-ROK Alliance: Focusing on the ‘Korean Dilemma’ of the 1950s
What role has the US-ROK alliance played in Japan’s security? This research seeks to answer this question by re-examining Japan-US-ROK relations, focusing on the ‘Korean Dilemma’ of the 1950s as a starting point for the post-war regional order.

The central question of this research is how the Japanese government of the 1950s perceived and acted in relation to South Korea and the US-ROK alliance from the perspective of national security. This research will examine not only the importance of South Korea for Japan’s national security, but also the possibility that the Japanese government was aware of the anti-Japanese stance of the ROK government under President Syngman Rhee, that it recognized South Korea as a military concern, and that its perceptions influenced US policy decisions.

This study also focuses on the dilemma of “ROK as an anti-communist and anti-Japanese nation”. The major change for Japan before and after the war was that, while it lost its own national defense capabilities and the Korean Peninsula as a buffer zone, the United States took on the responsibility of Japan’s national defense and the maintenance of ROK. On the other hand, the leader of an independent ROK was not only anti-communist but also anti-Japanese. From Japan’s perspective, this was a dilemma. In other words, a weak ROK would increase the possibility of the Korean Peninsula falling into the hands of communist forces. On the other hand, a strong one could expand the Korean War through a unilateral counteroffensive, and it could also turn its guns on Japan. However, at the time, Japan basically had no way to resolve this directly, and it seems that it had no choice but to exercise its influence through the United States.

First, I will summarize the perceptions of ROK held by Japan before and after the war, and by the United States after the war, and mention that during this process, the leaders of both Japan and the United States had the perception that a demilitarized Korea would be ideal. Next, I will reinterpret the debate within the United States regarding the reorganization of US forces in Korea and the formulation of ROK military strength in the context of the “Korean Dilemma” following the armistice of the Korean War. The ROK military was to be developed to replace the US military presence in Korea, however, the author analyzes the conflicting opinions among US officials and the response to the Syngman Rhee’s request to increase naval power. Furthermore, while also touching on the Japanese side’s perception of the ROK government of Syngman Rhee and the interactions between US and Japanese officials regarding US-ROK and Japan-ROK relations, the author mentions the possibility that Japan was attempting to exercise influence over the Korean Peninsula through the US.

2021年4月~ 大阪大学大学院 国際公共政策研究科 博士後期課程
2021年3月  大阪大学大学院 国際公共政策研究科 博士前期課程 修了(修士:国際公共政策)
2019年3月  関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 修了 (柴山太先生に師事)
2021~2024年3月 大阪大学ティーチング・フェロー(TF)
2021~2024年3月 科学技術振興機構(JST)次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム
2019年10月 「日米韓同盟 ― 相克を超えた戦略的アプローチ ―」防衛省防衛研究所主催 国際安全保障フォーラム・イン・関西2019-20
2019年6月  G20大阪サミット財務・保健大臣合同セッション、駐日英国大使リエゾン

2021~     PhD Programme, Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka           University
2021  M.A. in International Public Policy, Osaka University
2019  B.A. in Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
2021~2024.3   Teaching Fellow, Osaka University.
2021~2024.3   Challenging Research Program for Next Generation Researchers, Japan Science and Technology Agency (total 6,300,000 JPY).
2019.10     “The Japan-U.S.-ROK Alliance: A Strategic Approach Beyond Rivalry.” International Security Seminar in Kansai organized by the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS). 
2019.6      Liaison with British Ambassador to Japan Paul Madden at the Joint Session of        Finance and Health Ministers at the G20 Osaka Summit.