「国際社会の中の日本、日本の中の国際社会 ―日米関係をいかした地方創生の可能性―」
Japan in International Society and the International Society within Japan:The Potential for Regional Development in Japan Utilizing the Unlimited Potential of the U.S.-Japan Relationship
This lecture first and foremost discusses the position Japan finds itself today amid a rapidly declining birthrate and superaging society. The speaker, an American who has lived in Japan for 30 years (and never once in Tokyo) and traveled to every prefecture, argues that regional development is essential for Japan’s national rebirth. The lecturer introduces ways in which the United States can help, particularly in the countryside of Japan, to assist those areas better prosper and seeks to promote a dialogue on these matters. The lecture will form part of the forthcoming book in Japanese to be titled, Regional Development and Japan’s Rebirth.
1968年、米国生まれ。パリ留学を経て、米リンチバーグ大学の国際関係学部を優等卒してから90年来日。兵庫県多可町町立中学校の初ALT。99年、神戸大学法学研究科博士課程後期課程終了。サントリー文化財団研究員、大阪大学准教授、在日海兵隊基地外交政策部次長を経て現職。専門分野は政治・外交、危機管理、防災、地方創生、国際交流、教育。『尖閣問題の起源』、『オキナワ論』、『次の大震災に備えるために』、『トモダチ作戦』、『人口減少と自衛隊』、『教育不況からの脱出』等多数。多可町政策アドバイザー兼国際交流親善大使、兵庫県空き家ナビゲーター、全国少年院ボランティア講師、沖縄ウーマンズプライド顧問、グローバルリスクミティゲーション財団理事(北東アジア担当)、Power Up in Kawanishi朝活プロデューサー、Japan Times, Japan Forward、現代ビジネス、IRONNAなどのコラムニスト、テレビ、ラジオ出演など活躍中。詳細、http://www.robertdeldridge.com/をご参照。
Robert D. Eldridge, Ph.D., is an award-winning author, scholar, and former public official who currently serves an advisor to numerous regional and domestic organizations and as a visiting researcher at numerous universities and institutes. He was a tenured associate professor at the Graduate School of International Public Policy, Osaka University prior to serving as the Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Government and External Affairs, Marine Corps Forces Japan. He is the author, contributor, editor, and translator of 100 books about U.S.-Japan relations, disaster preparedness, and international education, writes columns for Japan-based newspapers and magazines, and appears regularly on tv and radio. He lives in Kansai, where he heads his own think tank, and has been in Japan for 30 years.