Examining Decolonization Factors in the Okinawa Reversion: What was the US afraid of?
This report reassesses U.S. policy towards Okinawa from the conclusion of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951 to the Okinawa reversion in 1972, exploring how the U.S. government considered the interplay between decolonization that was underway during the Cold War and the rule of Okinawa. In doing so, it aims to advance the emerging field in Okinawa reversion research and offer insights for examining the relationship between the Okinawa base issue and the international community, which is a pressing contemporary concern.
博士(法学)。現在、大阪大学大学院法学研究科特任研究員(日本学術振興会特別研究員)。主要論文に「沖縄返還とキャラウェイ高等弁務官の「強権的」統治―何が問題だったのか」博士学位論文(2021年9月)、「仲吉良光の⽇本復帰運動の再考―『復帰男』が沖縄返還に果たした役割とは何だったのか」『ROLES REVIEW 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター創発戦略研究オープンラボ研究論文集』3号(2023年3月)がある。
Takuya Maesshiro (Ph.D.) is a specially appointed researcher at Osaka University and JSPS Research Fellow (Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science). His major works include: “The Okinawa Reversion and High Commissioner Caraway’s Coercive Rule over Okinawa” (Doctoral Dissertation, Osaka University, September 2021), and “Examination of Reversionist Ryoko Nakayoshi’s role in the Okinawa Reversion” Roles Review, No. 3 (March 2023).