日時:2022年4月22日(金) 午後7時~午後8時半
伊藤孝治(いとう こうじ)大阪大学大学院人文学研究科講師
大阪大学大学院人文学研究科講師。2021年にイリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校より博士号(歴史学)取得。専門はアメリカ史および日米関係史で、「海洋生物資源の搾取と科学技術の発展が1867年以降のアラスカにおける植民地主義とどのような関係性にあったのか」について研究している。主な著作に、“Contesting Alaskan Salmon: Fishing Rights, Scientific Knowledge, and a U.S.-Japanese Fishery Dispute in Bristol Bay in the 1930s,” Japanese Journal of American Studies 31 (2020): 179-200がある。
Koji Ito is a lecturer of the Department of Humanities at Osaka University. Ito received his Ph.D. degree in History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2021. Ito’s areas of expertise are U.S. history and history of Japan-U.S. relations with special interests in the relationship between marine biological resource extraction, the development of science and technology, and colonialism in Alaska after 1867. Ito’s major publications include “Contesting Alaskan Salmon: Fishing Rights, Scientific Knowledge, and a U.S.-Japanese Fishery Dispute in Bristol Bay in the 1930s,” Japanese Journal of American Studies 31 (2020): 179-200.
Saving Salmon with Western Science: The Fisheries Crisis of 1919 and the Introduction of the “Predator Control” and “Stream Improvement” Projects in Southwest Alaska
Fisheries in Bristol Bay, Southwest Alaska, experienced record-low catches of sockeye salmon in 1919, leading to the federal government’s establishment of a strict conservation regime during the interwar period. This conservation system fundamentally relied on Western science and technology. Indeed, agents of the Bureau of Fisheries used scientific knowledge about sockeye salmon and destructively transformed ecosystems of Bristol Bay in ways favorable to the fish through the “predator control” and “stream improvement” projects. This ambitious scientific approach crucially supported sockeye salmon fisheries in Bristol Bay even after the interwar period.