4月28日(金)午後7時開催予定です。話題提供者はアメリカ在住の国際弁護士、David F. Day氏、Elizabeth G. Chan氏です。ZOOMでの開催になります。参加希望の方は下記のリンクから氏名、メールアドレスをご記入ください。例会前日にZOOMのURLを送付させて頂きます。使用言語は英語になります。
David F. Day, Esq.,
Senior International Lawyer, Chairman of the Belt & Road Task Force for the American Bar Association’s International Section, Chairman of the Trade Policy Committee of the U.S. National Association of District Export Councils, and Chairman, Global Risk Mitigation Foundation
Dr. Elizabeth G. Chan,
International Lawyer, Chair of the American Bar Association Committee on Infrastructure Development Finance, a part of the American Bar Association’s Belt & Road Task Force, and Chief Executive Officer, Global Risk Mitigation Foundation
Taiwan: Economic Security Developments in the First Island Chain of Significance to Japan
This program looks at new developments in critical intersection of economic security and national security in Taiwan. What impact will these new developments have upon Japan’s own security? The initial examination will be on developments and the shifting trade relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan, including a new trade framework being finalized between the U.S. and Taiwan.