Western-Style Gun Negotiations Between the Edo Shogunate and Foreign Companies :
Focusing on the M/S Siber & Brennwald at the End of the Tokugawa Regime
My humble effort in the form of “Global Weapons Trade Between the United States and Japan: From the Civil War to the Boshin War” (2023) based on a previous study by Harald Fuess in “The Global Weapons Trade and the Meiji Restoration: Dispersion of Means of Violence in a World of Emerging Nation-States” (2020) introduces the following. A Swiss company, Siber & Brennwald was successful in closing the American carbines’ deal with the Shogunate, however, they failed to proceed with Swiss-made breech-loading rifles’ deal. Fuess’s article based on an abridged translation of Brennwald’s Diary (2015) does not clarify the specific reasons for this failure. This presentation, therefore, tries to elucidate circumstances of that time based on a complete translation of Brennwald’s Diary (2020). Furthermore, this presentation would also like to suggest certain factors that contributed to the spread of Western-Style rifles throughout Japan in the late 1860s.
同大学院人間・環境学研究科(博士前期課程・後期課程)修了、 博士(人間・環境学)
Kyoto University, Bachelor of law
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, MA in Human and Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Ph.D. in Human and Environmental Studies
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages, Professor
布施将夫『欧米の歴史・文化・思想』晃洋書房、2021年。布施将夫「1860年代後半の日米間における武器移転をめぐって―南北戦争から戊辰戦争へ―」『国際言語文化学会 日本学研究』第8号、京都外国語大学日本語・日本語教育研究会、京都外国語大学カルチュラル・スタディーズ研究会、2023年、17-32頁。
Masao FUSE, Supplying War and the United States of America, Kyoto: Shoraisha, 2014.
Masao FUSE, A New Military History in the Modern World: Education, Exchange, and Politics across America, Europe, and Japan, Kyoto: Koyoshobo, 2020.
Masao FUSE, Western History, Culture, and Thought, Kyoto: Koyoshobo, 2021.
Masao FUSE, “Global Weapons Trade Between the United States and Japan: From the Civil War to the Boshin War” Japanology 8(2023): 17-32.