日時:2022年1月21日(金) 午後7時~午後8時半
杉田米行(すぎた よねゆき)神戸女子短期大学教員。
主な研究対象はアメリカ外交史、日本の安全保障、日米の医療保険政策。個別研究を進めると同時に外交史と社会保険政策の統合的理解を追求しています。現在は、Society 5.0 / AIと民主主義に関心を寄せ、data-driven democracyの必要性を、日本の医療政策をケーススタディとして勉強しています。
Yoneyuki SugitaProfessor,
Kobe Women’s Junior College
My main research interests are US diplomatic history, Japanese security policies, and US and Japanese health insurance policies. While pursuing individual research, I am also pursuing an integrated understanding of diplomatic history and social insurance policy. Currently, I am interested in Society 5.0 / AI and democracy, and studying the necessity of data-driven democracy, using Japan’s healthcare policy as a case study.
Yoshida Doctrine and Silent Rearmament:
Japan’s Consistent Postwar Security Policies
Demilitarization was one of the most important purposes the Allied Powers were determined to achieve through their occupation of Japan; however, this noble goal precipitated a difficult national security issue for Japan. The Allies’ occupation culminated in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which was followed by the Japan-US Security Treaty in an effort to solve this problem. Out of these arrangements emerged a so-called “Yoshida Course” and later the “Yoshida Doctrine.”
How was it possible for Japan, in the wake of its defeat in World War II, to maintain such independence of policy under the US hegemony? Moreover, if military development was substantially downplayed in favor of economic growth, how did Japan become a leading military power as it is now? The Yoshida doctrine was able to succeed only because it coincided with the interests of the United States and because Washington gave it, at least, tacit approval. The essence of the Yoshida Doctrine, Japan’s consistent strategy in the postwar era, is to find out minimum defense contribution that will not jeopardize its alliance with the US. An unexpected consequence of the doctrine is that Japan was able to steadily increase its expenditure on military development and to build its capacity without attracting attention from the Western powers.
Looking at Japan’s security policies from 1945 through today, do you think we find continuity or discontinuity in Japan’s security policies? Has Japan experienced a turning point in its postwar security policies so that the current security policies are qualitatively different from the ones during the Cold War?
*What do you think about Article 9? Do you think Japan should amend it?