〇 発表者
久野 潤
〇 プロフィール
昭和55年大阪府生まれ。慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業、京都大学大学院法学研究科国際公共政策専攻修了。大阪国際大学・皇學館大学・名城大学の非常勤講師などを経て現職。専門の近代政治外交史研究と併せて、全国で戦争経験者取材や神社の現地調査を行う。『帝国海軍と艦内神社』『帝国海軍の航跡』『決定版 日本書紀入門』(竹田恒泰との共著)をはじめとする著書のほか、雑誌論文/記事多数。
Tenured Lecturer, Osaka University of Tourism
He was born in Osaka Prefecture in 1980. He learned at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, and the School of Government, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University. After working at Osaka International University, Kogakukan University, and Meijo University, he dedicates himself to education and research at Osaka University of Tourism. In addition to his research on modern politics and diplomacy, he has also conducted interviews with war veterans in Japan and visited Shinto shrines throughout Japan.
Imperial Navy and Shinto Shrine in the Warship, Track of Imperial Navy Introduction of Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan): Definitive Edition(Co-author: TAKEDA Tsuneyasu) He writes many articles and papers other than the above works.
〇 題名
戦史としての真珠湾攻撃 ―日米開戦研究と当事者証言の間で―
〇 要旨
The Attack on Pearl Harbor as Military History: Between the Study on Outbreak of the U.S.-Japan War and the Eyewitness Testimonies of War Veterans
Many scholars study political diplomacy leading to the outbreak of the war between Japan and the United States and the significance of the Hawaii Operation. They will continue to research the future. This year marks the 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, namely eighty years have passed since the outbreak of the war between Japan and the United States. On the other hand, the number of people who directly experienced such a war almost becomes nonexistent. The “military history” traced from the testimonies is immobilizing these days.
In this presentation, the speaker tries to find the node point of the historiographic research on military history and the various testimonies in which the speaker directly interviewed the soldiers who participated in the Hawaii Operation.